While the focus of last Thursday’s forum was on District 95’s facilities, the overall financial health of the district bubbled near the surface.

Even before architects presented an informational wrap-up regarding the conditions of the schools, District 95 school board President James Landahl made a point of addressing deficit spending in the education fund, which pays for day-to-day operation of the district.

“We have met with our bond representatives and auditors, and I’ve directed the board to resolve this issue in the next 30 to 45 days,” Landahl said. “This issue will be addressed.”

Over a two-year period, from the beginning of the 2004-05 school year to the end of the 2005-06 school year, the board has projected that it will spend over $1.6 million more than its education fund will take in.

Issuing more bonds, raising taxes or slashing expenditures drastically are the three options the board has. Landahl said that the board will announce its direction this fall, and could call for another tax referendum in the spring 2006 primary

?”Bob Uphues