This a wake-up call: The library and board want more of your money. The basis for trying to improve the existing site of the library is flawed.

The closing of Lincoln Avenue will adversely impact the immediate area and destroy the natural grid already compounded by Eight Corners and existing street infrastructure.

The variances that have been requested are not only excessive, but will impact the area negatively forever. The site is just not suitable for this venture.

What about the alternate sites, such as the old Moose property that would have far less impact and is a site in need of development, as suggested in the 2020 Master Plan advising for a south side library presence? That area is supported by a dead-end street, Metra with an under-track pedway and bus stops on Ogden Avenue offering limited impact with a built-in campus feel.

The current library system within the surrounding area has reached a point of saturation and redundancy that does not need to be expanded upon. A satellite branch could be updated with features that are currently lacking. However, I question the need to provide meeting rooms or an entertainment venue not directed to library business.

The digital conversion of reading and research material actually has reduced the need for a large physical library presence. The exponential growth of digital materials and Internet accessibility has further reduced the need for these large structures.

Families are in distress and it is exactly these types of pursuits that are contributing to the economic demise of the village. May I be so bold as to suggest that the library board fee structure, supported by pension taxes, which contributes to the strain on our families, not only needs to be reduced but forced to exist on smaller percentages. Add to this another increase approved by the board during its Aug. 27 meeting.

I find it ironic, that the assembly of some of the most educated individuals of the community wishes to engage in this pursuit, which will impact the immediate area so negatively.

Secondly, during this period of the slowest recovery and possible economic implosion, entertaining the thought of saddling the community with a larger reoccurring cost basis will have negative repercussions that far outweigh any beneficial aspect to the whole population.

Instead of a few people forcing their quest for a monument to their personal legacies, the greatest lesson of fiscal reasonability and sacrifice may be the best lesson that could be taught to both the community and other bureaucracies that seem to be headstrong on preserving their own agendas.

The total lack of a fiduciary mindset at every level of local government, county, state and sadly federal irresponsibility that has brought this country to its knees should not be allowed to continue.

We need your support to oppose this plan at the next meeting on Sept. 10 at 6:30 at the village hall.

Don Urban