Riverside resident Seamus Brennan made an appearance in the Chicago Tribune’s weekly “Flashback” feature on March 31 as the paper recalled the Brennan family and their unusual tradition of having all 11 Brennan children, along with their mother and father, dress identically on Easter Sunday and head down to Michigan Avenue, wwhere they would parade downtown to show off their new duds.

For more than a decade beginning in 1947, the Trib made sure to snap a photo the Brennans on Easter, including in 1961, the year of John F. Kennedy’s inauguration as president. All of the girls dressed up like Jackie Kennedy, while the boys sported top hats and dark suits.

Seamus,60, the youngest of the Brennan siblings, lives in Riverside. On Sunday, all of the Brennan “kids” gathered in Riverside for the first time since their mother died in 1991.

You can read the entire story here.