While I do respect my fellow District 208 candidates and I realize the Landmark has a difficult decision to make on endorsements, I have to ask: Where is the focus on the dedication to the students and to the community?

As a candidate running on a platform of character development and being a diverse representative of the community, I was disappointed to see the Landmark has only chosen to endorse candidates because of the potential “financial and leadership crisis” RB will soon be facing.

The board needs candidates with dedicated teamwork skills, an unprecedented research work ethic, and good community knowledge in order to be successful. All attributes I can bring to the board.

Hard work, long hours and a scientific approach with a dedication to accomplishing a difficult goal are required to resolve these specific problems.

Research will include petitioning our state legislatures to change the rules on school funding, understanding the diverse needs and wants from the entire 208 community, looking for efficiency improvements in everything from utilities to supplies, and we need to get innovative and creative to bring in more revenue.

The list could be endless if you care enough about the school and the community. I have the required skills in my toolbox to be an integral part of a team dedicated to making the best decisions for the students and the community.

As I have campaigned from the beginning, we need a program that focuses on developing the student’s character, both performance character and moral character and this begins at the top.

When looking for a new superintendent, we need leadership to build on the excellence that the residents of District 208 have come to expect. And when we are financially sound again, I would like to lead an effort to develop student character and make RB a school we can all be heard bragging about: “That’s our school, and we are proud of it.”

I will be proactive in bringing the school to the local communities instead of the community coming to RB. As an independent candidate I represent you and the entire district, and while it’s difficult to compete against a trio of candidates financially supported by a select minority, you need a board comprised of a diverse group of members offering different opinion.

I will provide a guarantee of hard work, a sympathetic ear, and a dedication to providing District 208 the best school for the students at the lowest cost to the community.

For more information about my candidacy, please visit my Web site: http://sites.google.com/site/rbhsdist208.

Eric Duve is a candidate for the District 208 school board.